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To order contact us: UAE +971558706223 (whatsapp)
INDIA +917899666877

* Softens and Whitens Skin - DR. JAMES Glutathione has some important properties that help to whiten and soften skin converting dark/yellow/brown pigmentation to pinkish white pigmentation. This is how it works to give you whiter, fairer and soften skin. Most of the dermatologists also use it. The formula is really fruitful and very safe and effective.
* Anti-Aging Elements - Helps in the collapse of oxidized fats, DR. JAMES Glutathione is needed for carbohydrate metabolism.
* Antioxidant Properties – Special anti-oxidant properties helps in preventing cancer specifically liver cancer, important for the proper functioning of the immune system. Dr. James Glutathione also helps in providing strength to Red Blood Cells and protecting White Blood Cells.

Dr. James Glutathione

  • The packet contains 60 capsules each of 1000mg Pure Glutathione. It also contains Alpha T-Acids Whiteners.

    Daily Dosage – Intake 2 capsules after breakfast and while going to bed. For best results, take the capsules with 1000mg Vitamin C on daily basis. Rs 3500 Contact Now Copyrights @ Magic Products 2014 All Right Reserved Sitemap Request

  • DR. JAMES Glutathione is also known to benefit the following:

    => Remove pimples and age marks and protect your skin from the future growth of pimples.

    => Makes your skin color radiant, pinkish and glowing

    => Get Whiter & Beautiful Skin

    => People with dark spots on skin

    => It lightens dark spots such as under eyes and under arms. => Effective for Alcoholic drinker and Smoker

    => Men with liver disorders

    => Men having low sperm

    => People with heart problems

    => Men with anti-asthma or allergies

    => People with weak immune system


Al rigga, Dubai, UAE.


Frazer town, Bangalore, INDIA.

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