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GLUTAX 9GS Contengono EGF Signature Skin Whitening Injection

price: 1100 AED

GLUTAX 9GS Contengono EGF Signature Skin Whitening Injection: Now, a fairer and whiter, pimple and acne free complexion can be yours! Your beauty is in your hands, do not wait more, feel and see the difference in 4 weeks...! A smoother, clearer, flawless, younger, and whiter skin within, from inside-out..! Whiten the skin faster and faster.Glutathione content of the highest in the market.See the difference after the first injection. Benefits : Make your skin white; delicate and glowing Lipoic Acid can increase efektifitas glutathione Suppresses formation of acne/blemish. Produces collagen to enhance the elasticity of skin. Reduces fine lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and minor scars. As anti-oxidants /anti aging and many more Composition: 6 vials(10ml) : Glutathione 9000mg, Acido Alfa Lipoica 300mg. 6 viales 10ml : L’acido ascobico 2000mg. Collagen Estractto 400mg Fattore di crescita dell’epidermide (EGF) 1250mg 6 viales 5ml : : Vitamin E 400mg. Pro-vitamin B3 350mg. Pro-Vitamin B5 200mg. Glutax 9GS Signature is the latest product and contain add on more vitamins designed to repair skin cells , to make skin white with quick, fine and seems ageless. Dosage: One ampoules or injection should be given every week for at least 1 or 2 months for quick and effective results. The dosage is also depends on individual body metabolism. After that you can reduce the dosage to 1 injection only after every two weeks for maintenance. It is strongly recommended to take the injection in advice and supervision of registered doctor or nurse.Added Placenta Will Be gives good results. contact: +971-558706223

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