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Glutax 600gs Ultrafiltration Whitening Aura Skin

Glutax 600gs Ultrafiltration Whitening Aura Skin

price:- AED - 1600/- / MRP - 18000/-

  • The innovative white with blue tac 600GS ingredients concentration of glutathione pathways Nano Alta. The results quickly absorbed into the skin and most effective now. Enriched with vitamins and collagen, pure white within one week of use. (Recommend Dosage: 1 time per week 1 Set for a period of 10 weeks (Box: 10 Sets))

  • Reducing Age Spot

  • Improve the brightness & radiant of the skin

  • Promoting firmness and elasticity of the ski


• reduce the signs of aging • lighten Skin blemishes • Skin firming • anti aging and make you younger inside out • Smoothen skin surface • improve Immunisation • liver detoxification

Ingredients: Glutathione Essentialle Estratto 600GS Acido Ascorbico 2500mg ALA Acido Alfa Lipoico 500mg Collagene Naturia 500mg UltraCell Estratto 0.5msg

Contain 10 Sets Recommended Dosage : This product is administered by intramuscular (IM) or intravenously (IV) (Always consult your physician)

One set (powder + solvent) injection every week for 1 or 2 months (depends to your body metabolism). Then can reduce the dosage to 1 injection every 2 weeks for maintenance

Not Suitable For : Breast feeder Injection on women period Allergy to vitamin (any kind) Patient with cardiovascular problem

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